KIESELSTEIN International GmbH - Hersteller moderner Drahtziehanlagen und Drahtziehschälmaschinen sowie Drahtverarbeiter
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Meeting the Head of State

On 1 September 2010 Christian Wulff, the German Federal President visited Saxony. The Free State was the first stop on his inaugural visit tour through the New Federal States. During his stay in Saxony’s capital Dresden, a journey on the steam boat “Krippen” took place on the river Elbe. Besides other selected representatives from social areas and the industry, Dr. Stephan Kieselstein has been invited to join. To the exclusion of media representatives, over coffee and cake there was a lively exchange of ideas with the Federal President.
Dr. Stephan Kieselstein next to the Federal President
Dr. Stephan Kieselstein next to the Federal President