KIESELSTEIN International GmbH - Hersteller moderner Drahtziehanlagen und Drahtziehschälmaschinen sowie Drahtverarbeiter
Kieselstein Worldwide Kieselstein Aktuell


The website is a product of KIESELSTEIN International GmbH, that is solely responsible for its content.
Name and registered office:
KIESELSTEIN International GmbH
Erzbergerstraße 3
09116 Chemnitz, Germany
Authorised representatives:
Managing Director Dipl.-Ing. Jens Kieselstein
+49 371 910 41 00
+49 371 910 41 05
Registration in the commercial register:
Commercial register of the dictrict court / commercial register no. HRB 21582
DE 814094458

Terms of use, liability

The greatest care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in this website. However, it is provided without obligation and is subject to alteration at any time. Any liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided shall be excluded, unless premeditation or gross negligence or legal provisions require a mandatory liability.
We have inserted links to other Internet sites. The following applies to all these links: We would like to stress that we have no influence on the content or design of the linked sites. Therefore, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content of all sites that are linked to our site. We do not adopt the content of these sites as our own. This declaration applies to all links made on our sites and for the content of all sites to which the embedded links lead.
Links from other websites to our website are only allowed to our homepage. The embedding of our website into other websites (e. g. by framing, deep or inline links) is prohibited.
Brands: The KIESELSTEIN brand and – unless otherwise noted – other brands on our website are registered trademarks.
Copyright: We would like to point out the pictures contained in our website could to some extent be reserved by copyright of third parties.